Monday, February 21, 2011

singgah kat taman bunga

pernah frust kn?
pernah sakit hati kn?
mesti nangis kn?

that's what happening to me these few days..
benda dh lama,bru nk explode,gni la jd nye.
letih beralah, bertahan, and the fact is the one we hope for, will never be ours.
for the time being, this song really makes my tears fall.

you lost the love i loved the most.

and another song that makes me touched.
dh la suara ko nk sayu-sayu sedih pilu plak kn.
mane la tahan, mane la x jatuh ai mata ak.

haa..sape penah dengar lagu ni, paham la kn alasan kukuh untuk ak trus nanges...
wuwuhuu ='(

tapi-tapi kan.
ada satu lagu bes,keep me moving on.
lagu yg sangat catchy, and telling that guy out there, i deserve someone wayyyyyy better than u!

bes kan?kan?
dahla si najwa mahiadin ni chubby-chubby comel gtu,suare cam omputeh.
anak TPM kite tu tau.
bo;eh kenal-kenal najwa kt sini.
cekidaut bebeh...

sapu la ai mata tu.
g nangis time bedoa, besujud atas sejadah lagi baik.

kecek sikit: mintak doa, nk hati kuat.kuat.kuat!

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